Sudhanshu Sharma

Achieving Union through Sound


Meet Sudhanshu Sharma

Sudhanshu sings to engage his own mind and soul, not to entertain people because he strongly believes that entertaining means titillating the ears of listeners for momentary pleasure rather than taking them along on a journey into the heart and soul of music.  Born in a family of music lovers and enthusiasts, Sudhanshu Sharma was initiated into music when he was just eleven years old because of his natural ability to portray the most difficult of musical phrases easily through his voice.


The Journey of Music


Upcoming Music Retreats
& Events

Music + Himalayas

Kathmandu & Pokhara - Nepal


MUSIC + HIMALAYAS 2.0 - Kathmandu & Pokhara - Nepal

22nd – 28th October 2023

We have gladly chosen Nepal – the Himalayan haven, to be our next destination for diving deep into the powers of Nāda Yoga – the Yoga of sound.

Sudhanshu Sharma – an internationally respected Indian Classical Musician and vocal teacher, and Dipika Delmenico - an experienced Ayurvedic doctor and practitioner, together with their team of dedicated and talented musicians and artists are going to take you once more through a deep immersion into chanting and vocal bliss.

Based on the inherent power of sound and voice, this glorious eight day residential retreat will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a profound step towards the discovery of a new ‘YOU’.


Hymns of Praise


Testimonials from Students

"The first time I heard Sudhanshu Sharma sing, I was completely captivated by the depth, tone, and mastery of his voice. My immediate reaction was - I want that!

In just a few vocal lessons with him, I have now had a taste of what is possible and how to get there. I am so looking forward to on-going vocal training and guidance from him.

Thank you, Sudhanshu!"


Study with Sudhanshu


The Sounds of Music with Sudhanshu Sharma

Whether you're just starting out or you're already trained in some style of music, study with Sudhanshu Sharma to expand on your love of music and capability as an artist.  Sudhanshu offers private lessons for individuals and groups with flexible dates and hours to meet your schedule and availability. Send Sudhanshu a message to discuss studying together. 

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